Executing a free and fluid golf swing begins with a free and fluid mindset. One of my great newsletter subscribers recently expressed some challenges with short approach shots that demonstrate just how easily your thinking can short circuit your swing.
“I decelerate on my shots of 30 yards and less, which results in chunking or hitting the middle of the ball. How do I break the through this?” – David W.
Thank you for your question, David! This struggle is not uncommon, especially when you feel pressured to make up lost ground on a hole, or like this type of shot should be easy to deliver with consistency. If this sounds like you, then your thinking is not setting you up for success.
Are playing to avoid messing up?
Decelerating on a short approach shot (or even a putt) is a great indication that you may be playing from a place of fear. There are four kinds of golf — safe golf, smart golf, assertive golf, and just plain stupid golf when you let your ego get out of hand.
Deceleration, hesitation, and tempo changes are likely a sign that you are playing safe golf, rather than smart to assertive. Your fear gets triggered when you are uncertain about your shot plan or the result you believe you can produce. You are feeding your self-doubt which makes it difficult to swing freely.
Fluid and free swings are the result of being 100% committed to your shot and target, as well as being confident in your ability to execute a solid shot. Begin to pay closer attention to your Inner Caddy chatter as you prepare for your shots to determine whether or not your thoughts are aligned with an expectation of success. To experience more freedom in your swing, free your mind of what if’s, worst case scenarios, memories of past mistakes, or worries about the future before you address the ball.
For more information on my private and group coaching sessions, or self-study products, please CONTACT ME. It’s time for you to PLAY GREAT!
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